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Energy from Waste

Our Services

Energy recovery

Australia has global and local expertise in energy recovery, and a passionate drive to champion these innovative technologies here in Australia.

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Energy recovery solutions

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Energy recovery via methane capture

Methane rich gas can be captured from landfills, processed and used to generate renewable energy. Capturing methane helps to reduce global warming as its effect is 28 times stronger than that of CO2

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Energy recovery from thermal treatment

In thermal treatment facilities non-recyclable waste is treated at high temperature and energy is recovered from the process to produce power for nearby industry or the local grid

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Energy recovery via biogas production

Organic waste such as food waste, garden waste and wastewater can be used to produce biogas. An anaerobic digester uses bacteria to  transform organic waste into biogas which is then processed for use as a carbon-neutral substitute for natural gas, or to produce power

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Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF)

Non-recyclable waste can be diverted from landfill and put to beneficial use by producing RDF. The waste is processed and used to produce an alternative fuel for power generation or to replace fossil fuels in energy intense industries

What do you need to know about energy recovery?

Energy recovery – also known as Energy from Waste, Waste to Energy, EfW or W2E – is an umbrella term for an array of technologies, processes and practices which convert waste materials into energy or fuel. Energy recovery plants commonly recover energy and produce electricity from the combustion of non-recyclable waste, or through methane harvesting.

Why choose energy recovery?
  • Adopting energy recovery technology ensures that wastes that are not able to be recovered and recycled by other means are not sent to landfill and, instead, are put to beneficial use
  • Diverting these wastes reduces the environmental problems of landfill – such as leachate, greenhouse gas emissions and odour
  • The technology for recovering energy through thermal waste treatment has been proven across Europe for decades, and Europe would not have met its European Union waste recovery and landfill diversion targets without significant investment in energy recovery technologies
  • Unlike energy generated by wind and solar systems, electricity from energy from waste plants is available 24/7, 365 days a year, and is largely renewable
  • Significant reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, compared to disposal at landfill, slowing global warming
Energy recovery practices, explained

Energy recovery via methane capture

Methane rich gas can be captured from landfills, processed and used to generate renewable energy. Capturing methane helps to reduce global warming as its effect is 28 times stronger than that of CO2. 

Located within our Swanbank Renewable Energy and Waste Management Facility is a power generation project owned and under a joint venture partnership between LMS Energy and REMONDIS. Methane produced naturally by the decomposition of organic waste at Swanbank's landfill is captured and destroyed in the process of generating renewable energy, resulting in the reduction of approximately 173,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions (Co2e) each year. This significant environmental project generates approximately 27,000 megawatt hours of renewable electricity annually, enough energy to provide power to an average of 4,800 households each day. Currently (as at early 2023), the annual production for the Swanbank Renewable Energy Facility is approximately 12,400 MWh exported.

Energy recovery from thermal treatment

In thermal energy recovery facilities, non-recyclable waste is treated at high temperature and energy is recovered from the process to produce power when is then supplied to nearby industry or the local grid. Such plants also allow to recover metals and aggregates for recycling and reduce the waste stream going to landfill by more than 95%.

  • Thermal energy recovery facilities are used safely and successfully in densely populated cities around the world and all but eliminate non-recyclable waste that would otherwise go to landfill.
  • At the same time they produce baseload energy that can be fed into local grids or channeled for industrial purposes on a 24/7 basis.
  • Heat produced from non-recyclable waste processed in thermal energy recovery facilities is used to create electricity that is considered 50 percent renewable as opposed to traditional carbon intensive coal-fired electricity.
  • Less than five percent of material remaining from the combustion process ends up going to landfill. Or, in other words, more than 95 percent of waste that would normally go to landfill is diverted from going into the ground. This means far better environmental outcomes compared to landfill practices which result in land disturbance, odour and long-term methane and leachate issues.

Energy recovery via biogas production

Organic waste such as food waste, garden waste and wastewater can be used to produce biogas. This is done in a anaerobic digester where bacteria transform it into biogas which is then processed and can be used as carbon neutral substitute for natural gas or to produce power.

Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF)

Non-recyclable waste can be diverted from landfill and put to beneficial use by producing RDF. The waste is processed and used to produce an alternative fuel for power generation or to replace fossil fuels in energy-intense industries.

Energy recovery initiatives by REMONDIS Australia

EXPLORE / ReOrganic at Swanbank QLD

Swanbank Renewable Energy and Waste Management Facility in the City of Ipswich in South East Queensland is one of Australia’s largest landfills employing a leachate recirculation system to accelerate decomposition of waste and the production of methane gas to generate electricity – in a power generation operation we call ReOrganic, operated in joint venture with REMONDIS and LMS Energy.

Methane produced naturally by the decomposition of organic waste at Swanbank's landfill is captured and destroyed in the process of generating renewable energy, resulting in the reduction of approximately 173,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions (Co2e) each year. This significant environmental project generates approximately 27,000 megawatt hours of renewable electricity annually, enough energy to provide power to an average of 4,800 households each day. Currently (as at early 2023), the annual production for the Swanbank Renewable Energy Facility is approximately 12,400 MWh exported.

EXPLORE / Refuse Derived Fuel at Tomago NSW

At REMONDIS Tomago Resource Recovery Facility, plans are well advanced for a Refuse Derived Fuel plant, producing fuel for industrial energy generation.

Energy recovery across the REMONDIS Group

REMONDIS is a world leader in developing, owning and managing a diverse array of energy recovery facilities, with 16 such facilities currently in operation, largely in Europe. We produce climate-friendly energy through combustion of non-recyclable waste and biomass, by thermally treating sewage sludge, through anaerobic digestion to create biogas… and more. Explore the wide world of sustainable energy production here and below.


Industrial wastewater, especially water from the food processing industry, often contains large amounts of organic substances. We use fully automated anaerobic pre-treatment systems to eliminate these organic substances from the wastewater and generate biogas, a particularly efficient form of energy, at the same time. This biogas can, for example, be transformed into electricity by a combined heat and power plant or can be used to substitute natural gas to produce process heat.

The RE2ENERGY® process is a plant and reactor concept which has been perfectly adapted to the requirements of wastewater treatment and the production of biogas.

One of REMONDIS’ customers using this RE2ENERGY process is the Oettinger Brewery in Mönchengladbach. This highly efficient system is cost effective, helps prevent climate change and produces energy – and was the reason why the Oettinger Brewery was awarded the IHK Energy Efficiency Prize in 2014.

RE2ENERGY®, however, is not only used in companies but at a variety of municipal sewage treatment plants as well. The biogas produced is transformed on site into energy, supplying the plants with both electricity to power their operations as well as heat to heat their digested sludge tanks. With all of it being totally carbon-neutral.


CASE STUDY / BMK Lunen, Germany

In 2004 the German Government introduced the Renewable Energy Act 2004 (EEG 2004) which classified energy from wood burning power plants as 100% renewable. In response to this legislative change, REMONDIS developed and constructed a single-lined wood waste fired biomass power plant with a rated thermal capacity of 67 MWth and an annual throughput of approximately 140,000 tonnes per year of waste wood.

The wood waste feedstock was sourced from several waste streams, including commercial timber collections. Uniquely, this plant also targeted a stream of domestic waste that historically had limited outlets. This wood and garden waste material was too large for the existing Food Organics Garden Organics (FOGO) collection process within Germany and had limited available outlets. The new power plant also provided a renewable energy option for oversize materials that made their way to Germany’s many composting facilities, diverting these difficult residual domestic waste streams into a new Energy from Waste (EfW) solution.

BMK Lunen biomass power plant is located on the REMONDIS’ Lippe Plant, Europe’s largest industrial recycling centre, processing up to one million tonnes per year of various waste streams.

The BMK Lunen biomass power plant is feeding the electricity into the public grid under the long-term guaranteed tariff of the German EEG 2004, but also forms an integral part of Lippe Plant’s network of infrastructure.

Lippe Plant includes two energy recovery plants which, in addition to feeding electricity to the domestic grid and steam to district heating, provide steam and electricity power to run the many other waste and material recycling facilities within the site. Every year, REMONDIS' Lippe Plant generates 336,900 MWh of carbon-neutral energy from incinerating waste (158,600 MWh from BMK Lunen biomass-fired power plant) – energy, therefore, that is produced without any fossil fuels.

REMONDIS is the owner, developer and manager of BMK Lunen.
Innovations in the design process include:

  • Infrastructural integration and connection of the waste power plant in the REMONDIS’ Lippe Plant
  • First time utilisation of a high ratio of oversized materials from composting plants in Germany
  • Modification of grate design adapted to the atypical fuel composition (oversize compost materials and waste wood collected from domestic and commercial sources)
CASE STUDY / EVZA Stassfurt, Germany

Commissioned in 2007, the development of EVZA Stassfurt involved the construction and commissioning of a two-lined Energy from Waste Plant with a rated thermal capacity of 112 MWth and an annual throughput of approx. 320,000 tonnes of municipal and C&I waste.

The technology of the EVZA Stassfurt comprises a waste receiving and storage section, two complete process trains with grate combustion, boilers, and flue gas scrubbing as well as the thermal system for energy recovery and the associated auxiliary facilities.

The electricity produced is fed into the grid and used to cover the plant's own requirements. In addition, as the site is located next to Europe's largest sodium carbonate manufacturer, Sodawerk Stassfurt, long term electricity and process steam offtake arrangements are in place with the manufacturing plant.

By combining heat and power, the plant makes the very most of the energy contained in the waste.

The project also included innovations specific to the location, including:

  • Off-grid supply of electricity and steam to a significant industrial estate
  • Waste receival both by truck and by train
  • A compact site that also delivered excellent ease of maintenance

REMONDIS is the owner, developer and manager of EVZA Stassfurt.

Want to know more? View or download

Corporate Profile June 2022 cover
REMONDIS Australia Corporate Profile
PDF (English)
Sustainability Report 2023
PDF (English)

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